Win the Day

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When you win the days you win your week, when you win your weeks you win the month, and when you with your months you win the YEAR. but it all starts with the day. I'm going to share how I win the day- my systems and processes that work for my lifestyle. Take what you like, leave the rest! 

How to Win the Day

I’ll be breaking down how I win the day using the following systems- morning and evening routines, setting mini goals, CEO Sundays, 3 key habits  for nutrition, and workouts. During crazy times it’s essential to lock down your own routines and know what you can control and what you can’t.

Self-Care Routines

I have had a morning and evening self-care routine for a long time, but I have found it to be even more necessary during these uncertain times. I have a set of 5 things I rotate through for my morning routine- journaling, meditating, reading, sitting quietly, and a gentle workout to get my blood flowing. With my evening routine, I do the following things- I shut off all devices at least 1 hour before bed, lighting candles and letting the low light set in, making an evening tonic (Natural vitality Calm), foam rolling, reading, and celebration journaling. I have a specific journal I use just to keep track of my celebrations so I can work on my self-worth. Side note- I only do a few of these evening routines as well. The flexibility allows me to tap into my feminine energy.

Setting Goals

When you have goals set for yourself, you are more likely to be in creation mode rather than in consumption mode. Don’t get me wrong, having a Netflix binge every once in a while is totally fine, but when you set goals, you are more likely to feel good about the work you’re doing. You will want to set a mini goal that can be accomplished within the next 30 days around your mind, body, and heart. Mind essentially encompasses mindset. Body is all about your nutrition and moving your body. Heart encompasses your true heart’s desire- what have you been putting off? You can always add in professional and financial goals,

CEO Sundays and Scheduling Out My Day

CEO Sunday is the day I sit down and plan out my week with what  I plan to do to move the needle forward in my life. It’s important to plan out what things must get done, but don’t forget to make time to take care of yourself as well. 

3 Key Habits for Nutrition

I have a freebie all about 3 key habits. These habits help to keep me on track with my nutrition without needing a meal plan. The requirements for your habits are for them to be effective, efficient, and fun! Right now, my key habits include- drinking lots of water, using the 1-4-3 method when eating meals, and mindful eating. With the decrease in activity recently due to the CoronaVirus, I have had to be much more mindful about when I’m feeling full.


I believe everyone should be moving their bodies every single day. Here’s the caveat though- you have to enjoy it. If you’re not enjoying how you’re moving your body, it will not have to same sort of effect as moving your body in a way that brings you joy. It’s important to create a positive feedback loop within your brain when it comes to moving your body and this happens by keeping this promise to yourself and doing it in a way you enjoy.

Follow me on Instagram- @chaneemomoko