Showing Up For Your Future Self, Not Your Past

You have two choices- you can either make choices that bring you closer to who you want to be, or you can make choices that continue to recycle who you’ve been. Let’s get REAL honest about what beliefs are holding you back and how we can make some mindset shifts that will set you up for success because every single action and thought you take today has the potential to elevate you or break you. 

Cognitive Dissonance

You’ve heard me talk about the thought model over and over again. Our thought models create the beliefs that are the glass ceiling to our potential. We have to take a look at the beliefs we’re having that are keeping us stuck in the past. What does your future self REALLY want? If you find that you’re recycling your thoughts and your reality keeps coming back to something you don’t really want, not only are you keeping yourself from your future self, but it’s causing some serious cognitive dissonance.

Potential limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in the past 

Some of the biggest limiting beliefs I’ve experienced myself and you may also be running into are: ruminating over the past, staying stuck in the mindset that you did it before and you've lost it, thinking about how much time you've wasted and feeling down about it, and I can’t have xyz until I do this. These may seem like obvious limiting beliefs, but they do keep us from moving forward. In the thought model, the things we don’t like will always come back to our thoughts.  

Shifting your beliefs 

One of the best ways to shift your beliefs away from these limiting beliefs is to create a new thought model. It is always a lot easier said than done and tons of my clients also struggle with writing these as well. You are having glitches or bugs in your subconscious and we want to hack those so we can start shifting out beliefs. 

Hacking your subconscious  

I have 3 ways to hack your subconscious that will help shift your beliefs. One of my favorite ways to hack your subconscious, is with affirmations. An affirmation helps you bring into existence something you may not quite believe yet (ie: the rest of 2020 is going to be amazing). It’s something you want to reach for, but need to almost talk yourself into. One of the other ways to hack your subconscious is through mantras. A mantra is more like your theme song- you do believe this and just need to remind yourself of it. You say these things to yourself to stay in the same vibration. The third way you can hack your subconscious is through visualization. You are doing an intentional meditation where you can see your future self doing something you want to happen. I used to do this when competing and did this with my former competing clients. Your subconscious can’t tell the difference between reality and these visualizations, which in turn, helps you get to that higher version of yourself!

3 ways to shift your energy for success 

Once you’ve hacked your subconscious, you are ready to really start shifting your energy. When we’re in this space, we are having lots of negative thoughts and feeling like life is happening to you instead of for you. These tips will help you shift your energy for the positive!

  1. Get moving. You have to make sure you are moving your body to keep yourself from slipping into depressive tendencies. I was feeling this for sure this last month and I’m so glad I made moving my body an essential part of my healing process. This opens up more creativity and it allows you to move to energy through you.

  2. Breathwork. I am completely obsessed with breath work and here is my favorite breath work practice that allows you to focus on your breath. You are actively engaged in breathing. This is different from meditation, where you are simply focused on moving your breath in a different way than a normal breath. I also love the app, Breathwrk. They have a variety of different ways to do breath work and really shift your energy. Breathworks are way better than meditation when you want to shift your energy because you get out of your head.

  3. Create more than you consume. Stop absorbing everyone else's content (mine included) and go and create something. When you are constantly consuming, you are keeping yourself being so authentically you and you start to slip into trying to be just like someone else. That's the biggest difference between successful and not successful entrepreneurs. You need to keep your eyes in your lane. 

This is how we show up for our highest self. Every single thought and action has the potential to push you towards what you want to have or away from the future you want to have.