Healing Your Diet Mentality

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Over on Instagram, I’ve been talking a lot about diet mentality and how it has really played into the story of my life. The inspiration for this week’s episode of the podcast came from a request of one of my amazing community members. I have heard so many of you tell me that you feel like you DO have self love and have done a lot of the mindset work, but you still don’t feel great about your relationship with food.

Do you have an irrational fear of losing control when you let go of tracking macros? Do you KNOW that this isn't how you want to live the rest of your life, yet you still are tracking and being a slave to diet culture because of the fear you can't maintain your body? This episode will break it down and give you some tips to move in the positive direction.


We start by breaking down some truths. 

You can not heal emotional eating with more restrictions.

You can not learn to trust yourself without giving yourself the opportunity to. 

You will not want to let yourself try if you punish yourself each time you fail.

Your mindset is more effective than a diet will ever be. 

The Fear of Ending Your Diet

Let's first talk about where this irrational fear comes from. It most likely is because every time in the past you have tried to stop dieting- you really did lose control. And that feeling of failing SUCKS. You berate yourself and you quit for a bit until it's so uncomfortable you make yourself do it all over again. Now, you have worked soooo hard and you don't want to let that go. 

New Mindset

I sincerely get it. I truly do. But going back to the truths- you can't learn how to trust yourself without giving yourself the opportunity to do it. If you're really ready for this change then it's important to understand that healing your relationship with food and yourself means radically changing the way you approach your health and fitness. It's no longer about trying to stay as lean as possible (for ANY goal)  or extreme measures to change your body. it's about learning how to love and accept yourself no matter what the circumstances are.

You have to understand that you will never ever be perfect again. You will over eat, you will undereat. When you accept that as neutral- it's not such a big deal anymore. You just pick yourself back and move on. 

This is where mindset is SOOOO important! Mindset is simply- how you perceive a situation. So do you have a negative attitude or a positive one? What's your baseline frequency? 

Your mind is positive and abundant af! I reprogrammed myself through daily journaling, meditation, coaching AND chasing my purpose instead of body fat %. 


Here is my 5 Step Process to healing your mindset:


  1. Reprogram your brain about your body image and food 

  2. Eat like you love yourself 

  3. Self love and self compassion 

  4. Emotional wellness

  5. Training 

The ART of Healing

The other important piece is understanding how you must heal yourself. I have created another acronym to help you remember- The ART of Healing.

1. Acknowledge feelings and how you got hurt or what happened. 

2. Reframe > if this was someone else telling you that you looked fat, how can you give them the benefit of the doubt

3. Tell a new story 

Healing can only happen from a place of self compassion. Self discipline and forcing yourself to to fix or change- comes from a fear based mindset and scarcity thinking. 

Take a listen to this episode and come join the conversation over on Instagram >> @chaneemomoko