Ep. 29 How To Escape the Comparison Trap

Have you ever caught yourself comparing your > relationship, career, body, strength, home or anything else for that matter with other people? Perhaps you scroll through Instagram and then find yourself overwhelmed with anxiety because it looks like everyone else is SO MUCH better than you?

Today we are taking on your mind and your mindset. It’s focused all on how to get out of the comparison trap! Anything that’s being compared on social media is just silly because it's not even real. It's a highlight. It's like comparing yourself to a unicorn it just doesn’t exist. 

Comparison really does drag you down. Your operating system is tuned into what’s not good enough about you which makes you see in other people, all the things you ARE NOT. It’s so much easier to see what you want in someone else, then it is to see where they might be within yourself. When comparison is your operating system, by definition things are relative. So if one person is this, then compared to them, we are this (weaker, softer, less successful etc).

Ready to overcome that comparison trap, here are a few tips. We want to switch our operating system into seeing what our strengths are. Change your operating system about what is enough about you. The first step is to sit in gratitude - get obsessed with your own life and do your daily journaling. Be Intentional with your life and stop winging it! Lastly, gain a little perspective - get off social media and gain a new perspective. Help those in need. Attend an in person event. Go be in real life.

The second way to escape the comparison, keep this in mind- no one is on a pedestal - were all on the same journey, on different parts of the same path. Use those ahead of you as confirmation about what's possible. Lastly, remember that things aren’t relative. 

The final way to escape is through complimenting others and connecting with the people you compare yourself too. Jealousy is the stealer of joy. This opens up your energy and possibility to see what's possible for you.

This episode is super meaty- you won’t want to miss it! Go check out this latest episode and if you’d like to be notified when episodes about this topic air, please use this opt-in link!

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