Ep. 017 These Two Words Are Killing Your Growth

Are you guilty of saying these 2 words that are killing your growth? They are >> I KNOW When youre talking about what you're struggling with and when receiving advice you keep saying "I know" you are unintentionally holding yourself back.


These two words can be killer when you’re trying to grow. When you’re talking about what you're struggling with and when receiving advice you keep saying “I know,” you are unintentionally holding yourself back. We’re all guilty of uttering this phrase at one point or another, but when it impacts your ability to grow, it’s time to make a change.

In this episode, I breakdown exactly how these two words are holding you back. The three reasons I find that these two words are holding you back are:

  1. When you say “I know” you are refusing to accept the current reality and allowing yourself to grow. When you fight with reality, you are not allowing yourself to make a change. Try looking at it from a point of curiosity. Ask your self, “what is it about this situation that I am struggling with?”

  2. When you continuously say I know, you are putting yourself in victim mentality. You are refusing to take responsibility for the situation. You can become emotionally addicted to this mentality.

  3. How you embody something is different than knowing. Knowledge is not power- applied knowledge is power. If you know something but you’re not acting on it, it’s useless knowledge! You have to actually act on the knowledge.

Stop saying I know and instead, I can or I will.

As someone who spent a good chunk of time just learning a bunch of information before actually starting my business, I know the struggle of making that leap and going from knowing to doing. It wasn’t until I got tired of saying “I know” and I started doing, that everything changed. If I have the audacity to say I know, then I need to have to audacity to put those things into action. The same goes for you.

This episode is super meaty- you won’t want to miss it! Go check out this latest episode and if you’d like to be notified when episodes about this topic air, please use this opt-in link!

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