Ep. 013 Overcoming Diet Mentality and Ditching Tupperwares with Nikki

Todays episode is super different from what I usually record but is the first of many conversations I'll be sharing with you guys. The reason behind this is to bring you inspiration light the vulnerable feelings that happen when we "go off the deep end".

This episode is a lot different than what we’ve been doing- I am having a conversation with one of my past clients, Nikki. She really took the time to open up and share me how to move beyond her food mindset struggles.

Nikki shares how she started up in bikini competitions just 2 years ago. She originally decided to do a competition as a challenge to lose weight and start loving herself. After falling off the deep end where she was binging food and taking her tupperwares to holiday parties to finally deciding to get some help.

It was once she decided to get some help, she started to make a true change. Nikki did an amazing job committing to the process and going through it all. It was going through my Mindset Makeover Academy that allowed her to realize she didn’t have a binging problem, but rather a body image problem. She talks about how different her life is now after gaining her self worth.

This episode is super meaty- you won’t want to miss it! Go check out this latest episode and if you’d like to be notified when episodes about this topic air, please use this opt-in link!

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Chanee Malfavon