How to Stop Caring what people think about you


As a recovering people pleaser, this topic is near and dear to my heart because it's something I work on all the time. My husband jokes and says I have “care too much what people think about me syndrome” lol *eye roll*. I'm not perfect, but I have improved and, in this episode, I'm sharing with you the 3 Key steps that you have to have - no excuses- to develop a confidence that allows you to stop caring what people think about you. 

The very first step is you have to like yourself first. It’s about liking the parts of yourself you try to make shiny with overcompensation & facade. This includes all those parts that you DON’T like and try to hide. If you’re not sure which parts those are, here’s a few questions to help you discover those parts: what parts of yourself do you edit to make look more amazing on IG? Your house? Your face? Your clothes? Where you travel? What over-glorified reality are you trying to project? I'm not saying everyone does this. If this triggers you because you DO do it, then it's an opportunity for you to change the energy behind it. It doesn't mean you stop posting these things- it means you can stop posting them as a means to an end of overcompensating.

Once you get to a place of liking yourself, no one can touch you. It doesn’t have to be all of the wonderful things about you. Knowing where your faults are, allows you to be in control of the narrative instead of someone else. For example, I know I like to be the center of attention. It's just how I am, I find myself thriving and easily able to be the center of attention. So if someone tries to use that against me then it doesn't blow my ego because I'm well aware of my faults.

 The second step is trusting yourself. You KNOW when something isn't good. We all have basic instincts and you need to trust them. This goes for good and bad situations. You don’t need someone else to validate your choices. If you make a decision to do something or not do something, the only person who needs your validation is you. Make that decision and trust that it’s the right one. 

Finally, you have to give yourself permission to just be you. The beauty of this world is that there’s no one quite like you and that’s on purpose. Life is already hard- please stop making it harder on yourself. You don’t need to have the same goals as someone else or reach them at the same speed. Give yourself permission to be all that you are. 

I have one final thought for you- If you are over worried about what people think about you, that's because it's a projection of your own insecurity. When your internal world flips, and you conquer the insecurity, your projection changes. You'll still care- hello you are human- but the things you care about change and it doesnt come from a place of insecurity.