Cycle Syncing with Your Triple Goddess

If you have been listening to the podcast for a while now you may recognize my good friend, Lucas Root, and how we talked about the triple goddess and he taught us all about connection to Source/Gaia and how to invest in that relationship and the theorem of the triple goddess.

Today, we’ve decided to come together to bring you this episode and several more as a preface to our launching of the Goddess Provenance! We’ll be hosting a 5-day Goddess Initiation and we’re so excited to get you all started by sharing high level information of what we’ll be diving into.

First and foremost, Lucas acknowledges that he is a man and understands that he’ll never be able to walk in the shoes of womanhood. Though he would love to, he is aware that he cannot. Do your best to internalize what works for you based on your own perspective from the knowledge being shared.

When Your Cycle Actually Starts

Right now, women start the first day of their cycle count on the first day of their bleed. When I shared this with Lucas, he didn’t think that was right. This isn’t the way women, nature, and our bodies work. Lucas talks about what nature is like and how women are a part of that and how they flow in the cycles of nature. Take a moment to reflect on when the year starts. Typically, you’d say January 1st which is in the middle of winter. Ancient calendars probably started at the beginning of Spring because nature begins by preparing the ground. It doesn’t begin by clearing or shedding (aka our period) it begins by preparing. It warms up and gets things moving, similar to getting ready for a workout. Day 1 of our cycle begins during our first day of Spring (refer back to the seasons of our cycle in the podcast episode “Aligning Your Life to Your Moon Cycle.” After receiving this download, I began tracking my cycle in this way and I found it to be much easier to end the cycle during my menstruation because I understand that it’s ending with a rebirth after that.

The Masculine Expressions of Our Cycle

There are times in our cycle where we show up as more feminine and times in our cycle where we show up as more masculine. There are masculine expressions of our Maiden, Mother, and Grandmother and it’s important to acknowledge how they show up within our cycle. If we want to be balanced beings there needs to be a masculine component in all of our energies. The masculine version of the Maiden is the Warrior Maiden. Lucas and I had an epiphany of what the masculine version of the Mother was and it was the Enchantress while the masculine version of the Grandmother is called the Strategist.

So let’s dive into the triple goddesses in their healthy masculine and healthy feminine:

  • The Warrior Maiden is known for exploration, expanding new horizons, discovering & learning new things, and understanding things you previously didn’t know. She is required to focus externally, hunting, using tools, learning land, interacting with full breath of nature and everything happening outside. When being the warrior maiden, inner work is still being done. The Maiden is exploring internally, building the foundation to blossom into womanhood.

  • The Mother is a nurturing energy and is internally focused, typically nurturing their own family but it isn’t always necessary. Mothers can be nurturing outside of their family (i.e. How I nurture a family of kittens).  Men can be in their Mother through nurturing plants. The Enchantress nurtures other things that aren’t life (i.e. business) and is externally focused. The Enchantress has built a level of depth in her skills that she can ritualize some of their magic. In a nutshell, operating from the Mother looks like planting the seeds, nurturing them, and ritualizing the magic (i.e. finding the clients/building the skills).


We live in a mechanistic world where we have this understanding of this is what you do and how you do it; there is a start and there is an end. Imagine yourself driving on a track and you find yourself losing your way. There are bumpers that help you find your way back. The period is the bumpers on the track that bring you back to an understanding of where you’re sitting and helps you reconnect to that energy. That’s the beautiful thing about Grandmothers in humanity; they’re all about letting you do some wandering then being the bumper that brings you back on track. At the beginning of your bleed there is that mechanistic aspect that you’ve moved into your Grandmother. When you’ve reached the end of your bleed, you know that you’ve moved out of your Grandmother. Knowing this makes it really helpful when identifying your energies during your cycle.

There are some women who believe their bleed is a burden. However, being able to experience this cycle is a tremendous gift. Listen, I am aware of how it can feel like a challenge to deal with; we all have Grandparents and also understand how it can be a challenge to deal with them as a gift. Life works in cycles; we start from bare, fertile ground. We build up by planting some seeds and letting them grow and inevitably at the end of the growth, what has been planted dies. Life has this natural cycle of growth and shedding and our period cycle is a mirror of that. Source has allowed you to experience a reconnection period with her through your cycle.


After learning about the healthy masculines of the triple goddess, it gave me permission to not be so shameful of how I naturally operate from a healthy masculine during my cycle. Like most people, I swung the spectrum of seeing masculine as “bad” which allowed me to swing further into my divine feminine which in turn prevented me from taking action and executing because my thought process was, “Well, let me be in my feminine.” Because I swung so far to the wounded masculine it led me to swing over to the unbalanced feminine; and now I’ve been able to find a balance of the masculine-feminine archetypes in my life and in my business. This is where I found the masculine expression of our cycle is really helpful because there are some months where we as women are really in our divine masculine where things are moving and things are being done. Now we have words and avatars to move us through our divine, healthy masculine.

The Flow of Your Triple Goddess Energy During Your Cycle

The cycle begins at the beginning of Maiden which is the first day after your bleed. You move into Maiden energy after Grandmother energy. You stay in Maiden as long as you need to, your body will talk to you and share what is necessary and when. It’s not going to be the same for every cycle, some days you’ll be in your Warrior Maiden where you’re expanding and exploring your horizons and sometimes you’ll be in your divine feminine version of the Maiden where you’re still laying the groundwork for things to grow within you but you’re doing it internally. When you’re done with your Maiden, you move onto your Mother. You may be in your Maiden for a long time or short time, it’s dependent on your body. Once you’re in your Mother, the seeds that you have planted have started to grow and blossom; you’re going to flower. In the Mother you are nurturing those seeds. In the Enchantress, you are helping the seeds you have planted externally to grow. It could be a long time or a short time. You then move into your Grandmother as you begin your bleed. The Grandmother energy is sacred and your body will decide if you need to be in your healthy masculine as the Strategist or your divine feminine as the Grandmother. When you’re in the feminine Grandmother, you’re focused on being the bumpers on the road and bringing your mastery into the world. When you’re in the masculine Grandmother Strategist you’re focused on building plans and understanding; building plans that will execute against your mastery that you’ve built.


If you’re interested in diving deeper into working with the faces of your Triple Goddesses, I would suggest you first start tracking your cycle. If you’re using the Your Highest Self journal flow, start really tracking your energy. Track where you are mentally and emotionally so you can start to see what energies you’re in depending on the day. Doing this can help teach you how to go from operating on autopilot to operating as a conscious being. Being on autopilot means doing what you think you should be doing while being conscious looks like listening to your body, seeing where your energy is at, and reciprocating accordingly.
