5 Ways to Use Your Intuition to Thrive in Your Business

One of the ways I operate my own business and how I coach my clients is I ask them if they want to take their call in a more feminine approach or more masculine approach. The feminine would be where we talk about emotions, feelings, leaning into our desires; whereas masculine would be more strategy, how-to’s, creating action plans. With this episode, we’re going to be leaning into our masculine energy but it’s going to be a feminine twist - it’s masculine because I’ll be going into 5 ways of how to use your intuition to thrive in your business but all of these ways will require you to lean into your feminine. Personally, I think that using your intuition in your business is the biggest game changer. If you guys know my story, you know that I built a 6 figure business through a coaching practice where I had clients from all over the world - the strategy and energy I operated my business from was through a wounded masculine. Even though I was super successful externally, I was very unsuccessful, unfulfilled internally. I felt unfulfilled in my marriage, my relationship with myself - I always needed to be doing something to feel like I was on the right track. It was a hamster wheel I couldn’t get off and it was exhausting. I’m passionate about really teaching my clients how to tap into their intuition as they grow their businesses from the very beginning so they have a solid foundation.

Using Your Inner Authority to Effectively Make Decisions

Your inner authority has to do with your human design. When you know what your inner authority and your human design is, that is going to be an indication for how you best make regular and energetic decisions. For example, my inner authority is sacral which means that I get a gut response if something is “hell yes” or if it’s a “hell no.” I can either feel it in my body or it will expand; or I may feel a sound of my body going “uh huh” or like “uh uh” - you really feel it in your gut/in your sacral. Some other inner authorities are emotional, splenic (intuition) - if you’re not in tune with your intuition, you’d miss the opportunity to make a decision through your inner authority - it’s something you feel right away. For emotional inner authority, you can’t make decisions when you’re in a high/low emotional state. So it’s important to give yourself time and allow the emotions to go through their full spectrum/range before making a decision. 

Listening to your body to help create boundaries

Let me start by saying that your body speaks to you. It’s up to you to: know how to identify the cues, be willing to listen to your body, and be willing to trust your body. So often I see women who don’t have a lot of boundaries and maybe they are people pleasing or overcompensating, maybe they don’t know how to say no or they’re putting way too much on their plate. They often don’t know what the boundary is going to look like and that’s when I employ reiki energy healing because your body is going to speak to you. If you are constantly saying yes to a friend you want to be saying no to, and you feel your whole body tighten up or get tense - that is an indication that your energy and her energy aren’t aligning. Same thing if this is the case with a boss or someone you work with or with someone you follow on social media and you feel your body wanting to reject, listen to it. Your body is going to indicate to you when someone’s energy is good for you and when it’s not. If you have a lot of pent up and stored negative emotion, overactive or under active chakras, this is where energy healing can balance the energy within your body, open up the chakras, and allow the energy to flow through again so you’re not getting stuck in places. For example, if you’re having trouble with boundaries around yourself and time - maybe it’s time spent on social media, time spent on your business, you may have a root chakra that’s under active. The root chakra is what grounds you, it keeps you safe, it’s your money maker. So if you’re doing things that are in direct conflict with you feeling safe, grounded, and making money that could be an indication that you need energy healing and to create boundaries around these activities and things. Your body will always speak to you in the form of energy levels. When you’re doing your journaling in the morning and you’re checking in with your energy - ask how your energy is feeling today. If you’re constantly tired everyday, emotionally, spiritually, mentally - it’s time to create some boundaries. A really great question to ask yourself here is: do my current rituals support the version of me who is an embodiment of my highest self? This is so you can start to see if the things you’re doing in your life are either pushing you toward your goals or pulling you back towards your comfort zone.

Aligning your business productivity to your moon cycle

I’ve done a couple of podcast episodes on this and I’m going to be creating a course around this because I really believe in and love it that much. I forgot to do this and learned that I wasn’t thriving in my business - I was feeling overworked, incapable, not good enough, working until 2am but nothing was getting done, focused on all the wrong things - instead of tapping into my intuition and working on the things that are going to move the needle forward. If you’re currently there, this is going to change your life. When you align your business productivity to your moon cycle, what happens is that you learn to best optimize your energy and your productivity. As women, our energy doesn’t run on a 24 hour cycle, it runs on a 28 day cycle give or take depending on your own cycle. When we constantly expect ourselves to be going and doing, being visible, then what we’re doing is that we’re running our life on some external timeline. You’re running your life based on what’s going on outside of you instead of checking in yourself externally based on your cycle. It’s the difference between doing stuff because you have it on your to-do list and intentionally doing things because that’s where you’ll have the most energy to put it towards. So for myself, I’ve been working on the sales page for intuitive blueprint and I kid you not, I’ve been working on it for 17 days. The first few weeks it felt like I was climbing up a hill with a rock tied to my back - it was so hard. Every single day that I didn’t get it done and I dedicated the whole day to doing it, I felt even worse about myself. So I started to go into this downward spiral of feeling bad, doubtful and I just wasn’t thriving. I started sabotaging myself and I was being mean to myself. Once I realized and became aware of my cycle, I happened to start my cycle on Monday or Tuesday and the content just started flowing. I checked in with myself and understood why it was flowing. Usually right before my cycle, I write really well, my intuition is spot-on and I can tap in and get downloads and really access my higher consciousness and create content through there. When you know how you best operate depending on where your cycle is at, you’re then able to systemize and schedule your business so much easier. I should’ve known that two weeks ago wasn’t a good writing time for me. I shouldn’t have to force the sales page out and should’ve instead shown up a little more on social media or batch record my podcast or decided to do something else that was more in alignment with my cycle instead of trying to force content out.

Using your moon as a time to go within and seek answers

So we as women, anyone who identifies as women, and even if you don’t have a cycle - this is still available to you. You can use the phases of the moon as your cycle, when we are on our moon during our bleed - you can look at it as the full moon. That is the time for you to go within and seek the answers that you’ve been looking for. I like to do a womb goddess meditation and this is when we set an intention or we ask a question we’ve been seeking an answer to and there’s a great meditation on Insight Timer where you search ‘womb goddess meditation’ and sometimes I just do breath work. The intention during this time is to receive guidance, help, support from your womb goddess and it’s a really amazing time to block off a day or half day to have a “no should” day. I only do things that I want to do and I don’t do anything that I say that I should do - this includes rest! During your period, your hormones are at the lowest which means your right brain and your left brain can more easily communicate with each other. If there is an answer that you’re seeking around something you’ve been struggling with or really resisting, this is a great time. You have a much stronger connection to your inner world and I promise you, you will find the answers there. If you haven’t found it, it’s because you’re not meant to yet!

Releasing the how + trust

When you trust your intuition and your intuition is your connection to yourself, by having a strong connection to yourself you then have a stronger connection to spirit, source, God. When you have that strong connection, you can release the how; when you have that greater sense of trust and faith for something outside of yourself. You’re struggling right now and you want to control everything because you don’t trust that there’s anything out there besides you that can make what you want happen for you. You’re thinking that you’re the only person who can do all of this and that you’re by yourself and that you can’t do it, it’s too hard, etc. All of these are just limiting beliefs keeping you stuck where you are right now, trying to gain this sense of control. You are addicted to wanting to be in control, you’re addicted to looking for more ways you can control. And that addiction is because of the conditionings and patterns that you have in your subconscious mind - there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s something that could be released.

By creating a strong connection to yourself and really learning how to listen to yourself and trust yourself and how to know and see yourself - you’re going to have a much stronger connection to spirit because spirit is within you and within all of us. Someone with a strong intuition isn’t special, we’re all born with one. It’s even called your instinct. What’s going to happen is that you’ll be able to release the form, the way things need to happen/how, and by releasing that you actually open up your energy. Right now you’re very contracted because you want to control everything, so when you release the how,  you open up and when you open up you’re able to receive. I promise you, what you desire desires you. The universe is going to match your energy, when you open up and have all this energy to receive the universe is going to match the energy you’re putting out.

You can literally take all 5 of these points, integrate them into your life today - I’d love to know what you’re going to start with. Take a screenshot and post this up on your Instagram story or even send me a DM. I’m super curious to know which one resonated with you the most and which one excites you to get started!
