How Journaling Can Shift Your Body Image with Paula


We’re back with another coaching call this week! In this episode, I’m talking to Paula about her journey with fitness & how shes utilized my 30 Days to Self Love & Purpose journal prompts to shift her mindset about her body. I think many of you will relate to Paula’s story about how she was spending so much time meal prepping and following a meal plan, & even though she looked great externally and got so many compliments, she didn’t feel good about herself. From there she started a new job and gained back a lot of weight due to stress. 

Tune into this episode and learn:

✏️ How the daily practice of journaling helped shift her mindset about herself (pretty quickly too!) 

✏️ How being in shape externally didn’t contribute to feeling good internally & how she numbed those feelings

✏️ How to view your body as a temple 

✏️ Me coaching Paula through thoughts around her stomach and body image

About Paula:

BIO: I'm 32 years old with a background is in fitness and nutrition (associates degree in nutrition - credentialed NDTR - Nutrition & Dietetic Technician, Registered)  

I am a foodie who in the past has always been into getting fit through healthy food and exercise, but little did I know how strict and mean I was being to myself. Over the past few years I've gained a lot of weight due to emotional eating with stress and became dissatisfied with my body image, but now have gotten to a point where I can be more at peace with myself since I started journaling! 

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