Client Case Study: From Building Her Body to Building Her Dream

I’m excited to bring you a new type episode today and pull the curtains on one of my amazing clients, Jo Tacorda. Jo has been a client of mine since early 2018, I’ve seen her transform into a competitor and now an entrepreneur as we have continued to evolve her coaching program with me from a fitness and nutrition client to a business mentee. 

Tune into our fun and casual conversation about:

  • The highs & lows of competing 

  • The lack of fulfillment she experienced after winning her Pro card 

  • Her post-competition experience & how she overcame it by tapping into her feminine energy 

  • How Mindset Makeover & a simple journal entry was the catalyst for her pursuing her secret dreams (& what those are!)

  • How she worked through the fears and self-doubt to give herself permission to pursue her purpose


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About Jo:

Jo currently resides in San Diego and works full time as a Business Analyst, part time as Nutrition+Training+Lifestyle coach and a Personal Trainer. In 2019, she competed in her very first WBFF show, placed 1st and 2nd in her categories, and earned her Pro Card.  Through her journey of building her body, she discovered that her true fulfillment lives in building her dreams, where she is able to spread joy, uplift and help others.

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