Chanee Momoko

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Ep. 014 Your Lack of Motivation is a Lack of Vision

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Have you ever had bouts of motivation and then you go down the slippery slope of being wayyy unmotivated? In today's episode we are discussing how we can use our vision of the future to keep ourselves motivated long term. 

This is something that’s super close to me- I cycle through this all the time and I see it in my clients, too. Let’s talk about how to work through this. If you have a lack of motivation, then you most likely suffering from a lack of vision.

How can we use our vision to fuel our motivation? I see many competitors being super motivated because they have that end goal they’re working toward- this can be both a pro and a con. What if we think of time as functioning in a circle, instead of linear. When we do this, the cycle never ends; therefore, we’re no longer functioning in the ups and downs of motivation.

Extrinsic motivation are all of those external goals that we set for ourselves. Often, when we’re not functioning within those goals, we lose sight of what we’re doing, and as a byproduct, we lose our motivation. I often times will work with my clients have them picture themselves in the mirror three months from now- how does she feel? What does she want from life? etc. We often times want to place our goals as things like losing 10 pounds or having more toned arms, but when we do this, we’re putting a time limit on something that doesn’t function well on a time line. When we use intrinsic motivation and work towards that vision we have of ourselves, we’re more likely to succeed.

Motivation only gets you so far. Your vision is going to get you much farther. I suggest writing out your vision for yourself and make sure you place it in a place where you can see it on a regular place. I also suggest journaling. By journaling you can remind yourself of your goals every single day!

If you’re wondering how you figure out where your true vision comes from, they’re rooted in your core values. More on that later!

This episode is super meaty- you won’t want to miss it! Go check out this latest episode and if you’d like to be notified when episodes about this topic air, please use this opt-in link!

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