
Imagine if…

…you could have strong positive mindset & stress-free lifestyle working out & eating what you love.

…you were able to create sustainable habits & systems that worked for you not against you.

…you knew how to control your thoughts, emotions & actions.

…you no longer were a victim to the comparison trap.

…you were able to ditch your all or nothing mentality.


…you knew what your body needed to thrive without obsessively counting calories or worrying about food.

…you lived your life for YOU, not others, & no one could steal your confidence.

…you can confidently look at yourself in the mirror and love your heart, body & mind without one negative thought taking the spotlight.

….you had on-demand mentorship and guidance for whenever you feel “stuck” in your life - and you never had to feel alone / overwhelmed ever again.

Want to make this your reality? 

#MindsetMakeover is your blueprint to achieve all of this, and more.

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Step Into Your Breakthrough With The 3 Pillars


Are you tired of being in a constant battle with yourself? Do you want to accomplish more but cant ever find the motivation to do it?

Your mind is your greatest asset. In this program you will learn how to eliminate negative self talk, filter out other peoples opinions & walk away from behaviors that are no longer serving you


Do the "I really feel like shit in my body" days outweigh the "I FEEL CONFIDENT" days?

Lets face it- binging & stress eating is NOT serving you. I’ll teach you how to become an expert of YOUR body so you can ditch the meal plans & live from a a place of #structuredflexibility. Finally find the balance you’ve been searching for with a body you feel amazing in.

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Are you ready to learn how to become your own best friend & love yourself?

Through weekly group coaching calls & daily accountability, you will learn about your core values, your passions, what makes you unique & cultivate a new relationship with yourself


Whats the process?

We’re about to become REAL close :) This 10 week group coaching experience comes with weekly group coaching calls & 8 Training Modules. Through daily accountability & weekly check ups, you’ll be diving deep into making the transformation you’ve been craving. This is not your average life coaching program, you will be diving deep into personal development so its necessary that you are ready to think and live differently.


In the first phase we will do a full audit of your lifestyle: nutrition, fitness, spiritual, financial etc. By identifying your weak points, we will create healthy habits & systems to upgrade your lifestyle. You’ll learn my methods for intuitive eating for a stress free, healthy nutrition protocol.


If you woulnd’t say it to your best friend, then you shouldn’t be saying it to yourself. This is where we get deep & uncover all the blind spots that have kept you stuck, reprogram your brain to work with you not against you & learn how to have active acceptance and love yourself unconditionally.


In the final phase of our 10 week coaching program, we will review whats been working, whats not working & fine tune your routines. This includes morning & evening routines, workout and nutrition protocols & together we will redesign your lifestyle to be a life thats worth living, not a life where you’re just going through the motions.


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I am not a typical client that you would think to seek help from Chanee. I am not a competitor and heck, I don’t even go to a gym at all. I found Chanee through a friend who I thought had it all in life. She told me Chanee changed her life and I was shocked that her life could get any better. That is when I learned about the Mindset Makeover course. Chanee and I chatted on phone prior to deciding if this was the right course for me and she introduced me to life coaching. I thought to myself, I don’t know how this was going to help but if everyone said it was life changing, why not?

I was at the point in life where I was just going through the motions of life. I was in school for most of my life and now that I had been a working professional for a few years, I lost my purpose in life. I had little to no motivation. I thought how could I be so down on myself when I have a great job, a good family, and so much to be grateful for in life. I was not enjoying my days and was looking for fulfillment in relationships, hobbies, and amazing vacations but in reality everything felt monotonous.

After taking the 10-week course, I feel like I have so much excitement for life again. I have found my motivation and purpose that I never thought I could find again. I have gained so much more love for myself by sorting through my thoughts and emotions as well as setting boundaries for healthy relationships that don’t drain my energy anymore. I discovered what was holding me down and am spending time with myself to find ways to improve it one step at a time. I am peeling away the layers to address those deep issues that I didn’t know needed attention. I now have the resources to continue to show me the way to a healthier and happier me. Plus, I met amazing women from all over the world who all have the same problems in different ways. We all supported each other through the most vulnerable times where tears were shed. We have created a community that will hopefully last a long time. I owe all of that to Chanee, who is a blessing. She is such a sweet, vibrant, and intuitive human being who genuinely wants to help. She is so knowledgeable and incorporates the hours of training she completed to share with us. She gave us the tools to continue to work on our mindset to continue to grow into our highest self. I am truly grateful for this opportunity to be apart of such a wonderful group.

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This was not a fitness program; not a nutrition plan; not a book, podcast, or YouTube channel; not a therapy session. It was individualized mindset programming that was going to give me space to turn inside. 🔃

We met once a week with my other mentee sister 👯‍♀️ With each check-in, energy was reciprocated, and I began to see the power of connecting with like-minded people. It was like having girlfriend chats, but with the set intention of seeing each other living our best lives 🙌🏾⁣

The greatest thing I learned is that how we do one thing is how we do everything.* It’s easy to just go through the motions of our days. But how sad is that, right?! We SHOULD be changing, evolving, and feeling awake! ☀️ For 10 weeks Chaneé asks the right kind of questions so you learn on your own: What do you allow in your life? Who/What drains your energy? How do your thoughts serve you? What do you like to do, and are you ACTUALLY doing it? What do you like about yourself? How can you help people around you? What are you grateful for? What’s the hardest thing for you? What past are you holding on to? Do you rest enough? What do you want? Where are you going? How can you be better, peacefully? ⁣

With this kind of encouragement, since December I completely changed the boundaries I have with work, cut off what I needed to, lightened up my obligations, rested, ate, slept in, meditated, learned, shifted my mindset, and talked about some deep topics. Chaneé’s perspective of coming from competitions helps to keep it real, and she shows women that true growth comes when you start checking in with yourself. ⁣

For the most part, we’re all just out here trying to be the best versions of ourselves. And any person who is constantly trying to GLOW UP, is exactly the kind of energy I want to be around. This mentorship - or life coaching, if you will - was a way for me to look at how I can continue to elevate. It was the coolest thing I’ve ever done genuinely for myself ✅
— Jessica
Being the typical ALL or NOTHING Person I got into Fitness quite early and tried out litterally everything over the last couple of years. I always knew that our mind needs to be trained just as much or even more than our body, for us to be happy and healthy. Therefore, when I found Chaneé on Instagram her vibe and approach really suited me.

I have worked on my mindset for a long time, mainly forced to do so after a knee injury and came a long way. However, the #MindsetMakeover Program was exactly what I needed to fully order my thoughts and manifest my new habits. This Program is perfect if you want to learn and have an amazing backpack full of tools for the next steps of your journey.

Because the programm lasts over weeks, you will also get the knowledge piece by piece and this will leave you with an amazing puzzle in the end. Being a certified trainer myself, I see how little emphasis gets put on the mindset in this industry and Chaneé is a perfect example of what can be achieved if you work on both.

There is always a quick fix but I garantee you with plenty of personal experience, that these are not sustainable nor make you happy. If you are stuck in that all or nothing mentality or are just curious to learn and grow then this program is perfect for you.
— Tanja
Chanee has without a doubt completely changed my life. She guided me towards my first two bikini competitions, all while being a full-time college student with part-time jobs. Throughout my journey towards my shows I had numerous challenges to face, but with Chanee’s positive mindset and encouragement she provided me with the proper training, nutrition, and mindset advice to get me farther than I ever thought imaginable- placing top 3 and earning my Pro card.

I never imagined this kind of lifestyle would be possible for me, and I give Chanee 100% the credit for providing me with the tremendous opportunity to transform my body, mind, and soul.
— Cortlyn
During the month of December, I was at a low point in my life. I wasn’t eating/sleeping well, I stopped moving, and stopped being. I was surviving, not living.

I applied for #MindsetMakeover & throughout these 10 weeks, I committed to weekly phone calls and discussed more things than just being “positive.” These weekly phone calls allowed me to be vulnerable. I opened up about things and behaviors in my life that weren’t serving me. This allowed me to discover that a lot of what I was enduring in my life boiled down to practicing self-love. Self-love isn’t a destination, it’s a practice. It’s something that you intentionally choose everyday because why? Because you deserve it. I deserve it. I am worthy of loving myself. I am enough. I am brave. I am strong. I am so powerful and these are all the things I already knew about myself. This mentorship really opened my eyes to not be ashamed of what I know and to actually live out the truth of who I am.

I love who I am. I’ve forgiven myself and the experiences that were supposed to break me. Instead, I’m grateful because I can’t love myself if I can’t love my experiences.

Thank you so much again Chaneé for being an amazing mentor and for changing my life in a way I never thought could be possible. & another thank you to my mentee sis Jessica for going through this journey with me! We could’ve done our mentorship separately but it was way better together💕
— Elyza

Hey, I’m Chanee!  

Im a WBFF Bikini Pro, Competition Prep & Life Coach. My passion is helping women get back in touch with themselves again through sustainable nutrition, fitness and mindset practices.

After years of being in the professional competitive field, I noticed a huge gap- there was no one teaching how to handle the mindset of having a fitnesss lifestyle. Everyone is offering motivation on how to diet and how to reach your fat loss goals but no one is out there talking about how to learn how to love yourself when shit hits the fan. Which is exactly what happened to me.

I spent years dieting & following a structured plan, I thrived off my all or nothing mentality. But that mentality no longer helped me once I didnt have a show to keep me motivated… I became depressed, gained a lot of weight & lost myself.

Thats when I decided to pursue a Life Coaching certification so that I could learn how to master my mindset. I knew that this weight I gained wasn’t a weight loss problem, but rather a self love problem. Through the power “the question” I effectively used Life Coaching to reprogram my brain and ultimately my life.

I learned how to master my mindset, redesigned my habits, ditched my all nothing diet mentality & uncovered my confidence. That my friends is what I would love to help you with too! Im so excited to get to know you, guide you & mentor you to becoming the best version of yourself.