Enrolling for 2021

The Highest Self Mastermind is here to help you break through your blocks, take massive action, and create the conviction you need to go from a self-conscious nobody to a self-confident leader.

for the health, fitness, or Life coach who believes in leading her business with authenticity, alignment & abundance.

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 the highest self manifesto:


She values impact over influence. She doesn't care about being the most popular girl on Instagram or influencing people to be like her, she cares about making an impact and changing peoples lives.

She is committed to her self-growth and healing. She knows that being a leader for her community starts with herself. She is dedicated to doing the inner work and working on her inner world, to make a difference in her outer world.

She is her best investment. She knows that investing in her mind, body, heart and business will take her farther, faster. She’s a Plan A type of girl who is obsessed with reaching her goals.

She loves herself unconditionally. Self-love is the foundation of her life. She speaks kindly to herself, has a positive mindset and knows how valuable she is. There is no room for negative self-talk in her life.  

She protects her energy and peace fiercely. She values her time and lovingly sets boundaries to prioritize what's important to her. She says yes when she means it and pours her energy into what matters. 

She believes in self-care AND working hard. She is willing to put in the work, to double down and execute on her dreams. She doesn't skimp on her self-care because she knows that rest is just as important as action.

She is an action taker. She feels the fear and moves forward anyways. She chooses herself daily and doesn't wait for a permission slip to go after her dreams. She leads with her feminine energy and makes decisions from her highest self.

She chases purpose, not money. She knows the money will come when she chooses to live in alignment with her purpose. She listens to her intuition and is devoted living out her mission. She operates from abundance in all ways, always.


coming February 2021

Let me guess a couple of things about you... 

  • You’ve achieved a lot and are successful at what you put your mind to, yet you still feel like you're not good enough

  • You could use some more boundaries around your mind + body + heart to help you prioritize what’s important to you and have the energy to do them

  • You desire to be fully authentic and express yourself without worrying about what others think of you

  • You autocorrect to perfectionism and trying to control all the outcomes, and struggle with surrendering & letting go

  • You hold space for so many others, yet don’t have any who holds space for you who *gets* what you’re going through. 

  • You’re ready to step into the next level version of yourself (launching/scaling your business, creating a podcast) and need support and accountability to follow through.

What makes you different is that the support you’re looking for isn’t just another program…


You’re looking for support to create deeper alignment with yourself.

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Fitness Coach


For a long time, I was considering leaving my 9-5 to pursue my own business. I decided to join Chanee’s course because I wanted to start this journey with someone I trusted (especially if I was investing that type of $$$). Going into this mastermind I expected to learn the foundations of owning my own business, how to get started, how to attract clients, how to make quality content, and how to make money. The outcome of the mastermind did include learning all the key business tactics PLUS deep personal growth that I now realize I needed to make it successfully come together.

Through the Highest Self Mastermind, I overcame my perfectionism and stopped worrying about putting myself out there. She helped me not worry about making mistakes and discover why I wanted to create my business in the first place. Realizing some of my own mental blocks helped me to move out of my comfort zone and take the risks I needed. With Chanee’s guidance, I was able to understand that I am worth the financial investment, that I can be a successful business owner.

Chanee pushed me to ACTUALLY take action and she held me accountable. And to be honest, I’m not much of a touchy-feely person, so I was a bit skeptical after the first few sessions that this maybe wasn’t for me. I am now so grateful for the safe space and community of women. I still stay in contact with this group and we continually support each other. After the mastermind, I launched my own fitness business and I couldn’t have done it without the guidance of Chanee.


When things inside you change, things around you change. Your success will always be interconnected with your self-worth.

As a member of the Highest Self Mastermind you’ll have access to…

  • Weekly 90-minute group coaching calls where you’ll get direct coaching from me and lean on the group for support

  • 1 x one-hour private coaching call per month

  • Access to a private Slack group

  • Guest expert training sessions

  • Weekly support, accountability and mentorship

  • In person or virtual VIP Day! You + me + a 4 hour intensive deep dive into whatever is keeping you up at night and stopping your business from moving forward.

You’ll walk away from the Highest Self Mastermind with…

  • Clarity and alignment on your Mission, Vision and Purpose with the confidence to execute.

  • A strong foundation of self-belief & authenticity that allows you to show up consistently for yourself and your clients

  • Tools to regulate emotions, work through limiting beliefs and shift your subconscious mind

  • A community of like minded women who live the Highest Self Manifesto and pushing themselves lovingly, to reach for more

  • A business thats making an impact, not just influencing


The journey to healing & leading your life & business from Your Highest Self looks like:

I. Healing & Connecting With Your Inner Child

  • Learn how to hear, acknowledge and speak to your inner child for greater connection to your Self and your needs

  • Do the inner work to see, hear and validate yourself 

  • Heal the mother wound, father wound and gain more awareness for generational trauma that could be impacting your success

II. Create Clarity & Confidence With Who You Are Meant to Be

  • Get clear and aligned with your Mission, Vision and Purpose

  • Create alignment with what you stand for and the impact you’re here to create

  • Recognize your value & give yourself permission to pursue what it is that you really want to do (not what you think you should do)

III. Self-Love as the Foundation of Your Life

  • Build a new foundation that prioritizes your self-love, self-care and wellness rituals so you can operate from your highest self daily

  • Learn how to trust yourself so you can speak up and authentically share your truth

  • Embrace and leverage your authenticity to stand out as a leader in your community

IV. Take Action From Feminine Flow & Masculine Strategy

  • Connect to your divine feminine and learn how to let go of control and surrender to flow

  • Create boundaries that feel good around your time, work and energy management using masculine strategy

  • Learn how to follow your intuition/instincts and take action on things that you have been wanting and needing in your life


Systems/operations, money mindset, content creation and repurposing + more all taught by industry experts.

My name is Chaneé and I’ll be your coach and mentor. I’m a certified Master Life Coach, Fitness & Nutrition Expert & Retired WBFF Bikini Pro.

I skipped the 9-5 grind and went straight to pursuing my passions of being a personal trainer, professional competitor and fitness coach right out of college.

My journey led me to top placings, coaching clients to win first place and their pro cards, as well as helping countless clients to heal their relationship with food and their bodies to create a sustainable lifestyle using my signature RESET Method.


Despite all the success I had in the fitness and competition industry, I couldn't shake the fact that I felt like I was meant for more. The results my clients achieved went farther than just getting fit, they learned to love and become the most authentic version of themselves.

Through the power of the question, I utilized my Life Coaching skills to pave the way to find my deeper purpose and pursue it: which is to help YOU discover your purpose and empower you with the confidence and conviction to create the life and business of your dreams.


When does this program start? This program begins February 9th, our first group call will take place on Tuesday February 9th. Call times are currently TBD depending on the time zones of all members. I will do my best to accommodate.

Do you give out any blueprints or strategies? No, this is not a cookie cutter mastermind or group coaching program. I am NOT the type of coach who gives a one size fits all answer. Instead, I will be helping you become a leader and empower you to create a strategy that feels best for YOU by working on your confidence, self-belief, and self-trust. 

I have had a business for a while but it's just not taking off, can you help? Are you ready to take personal responsibility for your thoughts, actions and ultimately your results? Are you ready to do the inner work to create alignment and abundance with your greater purpose? If you said yes, then yes I can help.

Still have more questions? Let’s set up a call so we can talk face to face. I want to make sure this is the best decision for you! If it’s not the right fit, I’ll let you know and point you in a better direction.