Chanee Momoko

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You ARE Good Enough

This week’s episode comes at you a bit differently- I don’t have any show notes and it’s a quick one, but I felt so inspired to talk with you today about how you are good enough. This is essentially a pep talk that we all need at some point or another. This is for you- the one that knows that you have a bigger purpose. I get you. You know you’re meant for more.

The moment my life/business changed

Becoming a coach was something I had always wanted to do and after I had finished my own competition journey and was entering my first ever competition as a coach, I was feeling pretty bad about myself. I had gained about 20 lbs post competition and had really low self esteem. I was just a complete wreck.

My client ended up winning first place and her pro card. I was a nobody coach and my client didn’t have an instagram following. No one knew who we were  and we won. My husband ended up looking at me and saying, “let this be the turning point where you finally believe in yourself.” For so long, I had been fighting for my limitations. I had been putting in the work and I still didn’t believe in myself. It really did make the difference for me.

Negative thoughts to let go of

>> stop looking for all of your flaws

>> stop procrastinating

>> stop telling yourself you don’t know how or that you’re not good enough

Better thoughts to focus on

If you have this feeling to help people and it’s weighing on your heart, do it. You need to do it right now. It is available for you right now. Being a coach is such an amazing experience and if it’s something you’re feeling called to, do it. Anchor in your achievement. Acknowledge the amazing work you’ve done. Look at how far you’ve come. You’ve always been good enough.

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