Welcome to Season 2 + 2020 Reflection & 2021 Intentions

Happy 2021! We are back with season 2 and I'm excited to be here. To kick off a new season, lets go behind the scenes, an episode sharing my 2020 learning lessons, reflections, and what I plan to achieve in 2021 as an entrepreneur and coach. 


I made a seat for you at my table. EVOLV has a new home and is now open to EVERYONE. The EVOLV collective is made up of coaches, entrepreneurs, service providers, and professional women who value courage, vulnerability and self-growth.

What we do…

We focus on healing inner child wounds, reframing our thoughts, honoring our boundaries, showing up for ourselves in all capacities and supporting each other so we can fulfill our potential.

When you join EVOLV for free you have access to two spaces on the platform: monthly intentions and tiny victories. 

Monthly Intentions: At the start of every month, I will cue you to set a new intention and choose 3 goals that are inspired action around that intention. The reason why I am an advocate for intentions is that it's more focused on how you want to FEEL, rather than what you want to do. It's important not to be so rigid in our goal-setting practices- at the end of the day how you feel is more important than what you did or did not achieve.

Tiny Victories: When we acknowledge our victories, it creates sparks in the reward circuitry of our brains and releases chemicals that give us the feeling of pride. This gives us the motivation to continue tracking onward. Demotivation usually comes because we are unsure of how far we are to our goals. By creating a habit of celebrating ourselves, not only are you increasing the value of your life but you are creating motivation from the inside out. 


EVOLV is free until you feel ready to upgrade and invest in yourself financially; where you’ll unlock the potential with me and the collective by having access to the other spaces the community offers.

2020 Reflection

We’ve all had quite a year. I’m in the mindset where you get what you make of things. Despite the pandemic and everything going on in the world, I had an incredible year. With my business, with my relationship, and with my aspirations AKA my kitten rescue “Muffins Mates.” A couple of lessons I learned from 2020 was the feeling of resistance I experienced when I was achieving a lot externally. Internally, I was my toughest client. The lessons I learned in 2019 were integrated in 2020, which caused the resistance. It’s not easy to change who you are all the time. It’s not always easy for me, I tend to make things hard for myself. Because I’ve integrated a lot of what I’ve learned -- my external results came because I changed my internal world. I took more time off of Instagram, I launched a Mastermind and healing collective; this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t heal internally. I am so proud of all the things I’ve healed. I’ve also learned how recalibrating is essential. An example would be how I outsourced in my business to allow me to pour into myself more through my kitten rescue. I recalibrated that it was safe to slow down, it’s safe to not work so much. I realized that in the past, my happiness was always conditional. 2020 was filled with unconditional love as it helped me focus on who I’m being.

Focus for 2021

As I think about all the things I want to achieve, the first few words that came up for me for my intention this year were things like focus, up-level, elevate -- words that would encourage me to level up. However, none of it felt right. When you think about your focus for this year I encourage you to ask yourself: How do you want to feel? Let that be your guiding intention. The quality of our lives come down to the quality of our emotions. Let how you want to feel be the guiding light of how your year. With that being said, I want to feel ease. A guiding question to help bring me back on track when I’m feeling overwhelmed is, how can I let this be easy?

2021 Goals

My goals are inspired action around my intentions.

Goal #1: Create a coaching certification program that includes NLP, hypnosis, life + success coaching, EFT, and energy healing -- I’ve invested a lot in my own certification this year to create a certification for aspiring coaches like you!

Goal #2: Have a baby -- This one is personal and goes back to how I want to feel. I know the biggest block to me having a baby is me making it difficult and hard.

Goal #3: Create a holistic product -- I currently have a journal, mastermind, and healing collective that I’ve created and would love to hear from you! What’s something that you’d like to see from me that meets you where you’re currently at? Another journal? A planner? Interested to know your thoughts!

Goal #4: Create more do-it-yourself courses -- Going back to goal #3, I’d love to know what you think. I’ve thought about creating courses around confidence and boundaries (as these are topics I get the most questions about.. Anything else?)

I understand that it’s not easy to invest in yourself so I want to provide more access to people who are ready for their seat at the table.

What to Expect for Season 2

In case you didn’t know, my platform focuses on pillars known as mind, body, and heart. I’d like to introduce a new pillar that will be included moving forward: HEALING. Healing is the journey back home to yourself. You do this through unlearning and figuring out the thoughts that come through in your mind.

A difference that you’ll notice in my content is now I’ll be providing more tools for your journey to your highest self and more tools for aspiring and current entrepreneurs.

Last but not least, enrollment for the Your Highest Self Mastermind is OPEN! If you scroll up and toggle over to the right of the podcast link, you can see all the details regarding the mastermind. I encourage you to apply and get on a discovery call with if you feel called to work more closely with me and a community of women who are ready to lead with authenticity, abundance, and alignment.