Chanee Momoko

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Loving Yourself IS the Journey

Do you know how to love yourself unconditionally? It’s ok if you don’t or if you weren’t taught how- many of us weren’t. And because of that we’ve put external validation and achievement as ways to receive love. Learning to love ourselves fully and unconditionally opens up our journey to self-healing. 


Self-love is a verb- it’s not a destination or someplace we get to. It's what we do for ourselves on a daily basis. Positive self discipline is the highest place for self love. The foundation of what we believe is possible for us, how far we can go, and how much we are willing to bet on ourselves. When self love is the foundation, there’s no room for negative self talk, we embrace our shadow and our light, and we make space for healing and growing. The process of healing is to make yourself whole again. You can not grow if you are hating who you currently are. 

Falling in love with the journey

What does this even mean? You have arrived when arrival is no longer the goal. Once you are able to slow down, not being in such a rush, then you have finally gotten to the best part of the journey. Here’s some things you can ask yourself: 

  • where are you in such a rush to get to? 

  • What is that feeling you are chasing? 

  • Why can't you give it to yourself now? 

  • Why cant you be proud of the person you are today?

If you struggle with this, ask your inner child why is she or he clinging so tightly to “getting there.”


My Inner child: I don't want to be let down. 

My highest self: Don't worry, I won't let you down 

Connecting the inner child and highest self

Connecting with your inner child and highest self requires open space and stillness. Find things that make you genuinely happy. Here’s a few of mine:

    • Gardening 

    • Hobbies 

    • Hands busy, mind open 

    • Get out of your head and into your heart (connecting with your divine feminine) 

Increasing your Confidence

This increases your confidence because this increases your self worth which directly impacts your self esteem. Your confidence comes from the inside out, not from an inspiring IG quote.  The best wisdom and guidance you can get is from yourself.

4 ways to create unconditional self love for yourself:

  1. Give yourself the chance to use time on hobbies. Downtime is not a waste of time which ultimately means, “I am not a waste of time.”

  2. Increase your self care time. Self care that doesn't cost money and is the hardest to give yourself. This can look like- rest days off from the gym and doing the things you feel like you don't deserve unless you do x. 

  3. Cultivate positive self-discipline. Similarly to what we talked about last week in keeping promises to yourself. Positive self discipline is a skill to practice. 

  4. Connect and heal your inner child- through meditation, journaling and self-exploration. Ask yourself what do you get to unlearn? What is the inner child within you rebelling against? What acknowledgement does she need?

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