Aligning Your Life to Your Moon Cycle

Have you ever wanted to have a deeper connection with yourself and your feminine energy? In this episode, I'm going to be sharing how we can align our life with our moon cycle aka our period and the infinite wisdom your body has when you take the time to listen. Connecting with my moon cycle has helped me develop my intuition which has given me a great sense of confidence and trust in myself. This confidence and trust has catapulted my business and personal life this year and I want to share it with you so you can have the same.

The Cyclical Nature of Everything

So let’s talk about the word cycle. How is everything a cycle? In short, a cycle is defined as something that happens over and over again. If you were to look around, everything in nature is a cycle; moon, carbon, water, LIFE, just to name a few. Everything we see around us is a cycle and yet we often put pressure on ourselves to be linear. We expect ourselves to always be hustling to the top and on days we fall short, we burn out and require more breaks which results in feelings of shame and guilt. If everything around us is a cycle that is meant to ebb and flow, why do we pressure ourselves to be linear? I highly encourage you to journal and reflect on that question. How you do one thing is how you do everything and if you struggle with honoring your own personal cycle, you will have difficulty with the other cycles involved in your life.

The Four Phases of Our Cycle

Phase 1: Winter / Going Inward

Your first day with full bleed is the start of phase 1 of your period! During this winter phase, the best way to connect with yourself is by slowing down. This looks like canceling workouts and exchanging them for light walks, yoga, stretching, or even nothing. Scientifically, our bodies’ hormones are at their lowest during this phase. Taking the time to reflect on different facets of your life would be great to implement as it’s also important to let go of the guilt for not working as hard and the guilt of not being able to keep up with the external world. During our menstrual phase, this is the strongest connection we have with our inner world; also known as our intuition.

Journal Prompts for this Phase:

  • What can I surrender that is not serving my highest self right now?

  • How can I honor my self worth and intentions this month?

  • What new intentions do I want to create?

  • *I also like to do womb meditations!

Phase 2: Spring / Rising

After winter, we go into the spring phase; I like to call it the rising. This phase is a great time for planning. Take the time to set new goals, new intentions, and think about different systems to start incorporating in your life. This phase also moves us from our inner world toward physical reality; we’re less in the intuitive world during this time compared to the menstrual phase.

Journal Prompts for this Phase:

  • How can I channel my energy to accomplish my new goals and intentions?

  • What new projects do I want to start?

  • What systems can I create to facilitate my goals?

  • What do I want to accomplish this month?

Phase 3: Summer / Full Bloom

After spring, we go into the summer phase which I call full bloom. This is the phase that generates conception. Scientifically, the body is ready and prepared to receive in order to create. In another perspective, this is where fresh ideas and perspectives come to life. The seeds that were planted in the spring phase are now blooming in this phase (which is my reasoning behind full bloom). During the summer phase, you have the most energy and your hormones are at its peak; you can direct that energy toward mentoring and supporting people. It’s a perfect time for you to be face to face with the world. You are also seen as more attractive during this phase so let yourself be seen! With your energy being so high, it will not only transfer through others but will also be well received. For me personally, this phase is where my content comes alive.

Journal Prompts for this Phase:

  • How much pleasure is there in my life right now? (Not only sexual pleasure)

  • How do I take care of my body?

  • What courageous conversations do I want to have right now? AKA heart-to-heart conversations

  • How can I support and be supportive of others?

  • Who can I collaborate with?

Phase 4: Fall / Letting Go

Lastly, after the spring we go into Fall which I refer to as letting go. During this phase, your energy naturally withers. You gradually withdraw back into yourself. With that being said, this phase is pretty difficult and can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions because hormones are dipping down low. You might experience PMS symptoms, being irritated/grumpy, snappy/moody etc. When this happens, it becomes an opportunity to reflect inward. This phase might require the body to have more rest, reevaluate plans and the ways we operate. Most women feel the most guilt during this phase because of what happens for us during it. If you ever start to feel guilt and shame around this time, I implore you to be gentle with yourself. Let yourself let go.

Journal Prompts for this Phase:

  • What do I need to let go of?

  • What situations or person am I finding challenging?

  • What is that discomfort telling me?

  • Am I being curious? Am I overthinking/being critical? 

  • What is a creative solution for (insert experience you’re struggling with)?

Reflect inward. Do shadow work. Figure out how you’re being. As you align your life with your cycle, you start to better connect with and take advantage of your energy levels when they’re really high; not feeling guilt and shame when they’re low, you can start to meet yourself with compassion and optimize your life more--the best part is, you can connect more with your intuition. When you connect more with your intuition, you’ll be more connected to your own truth.