5 Mindset Shifts to Turn Your Purpose Into a Business

I've been on my entrepreneurial journey for 8 years and coaching coaches for the last 3 years. There are some KEY mindset shifts that I've seen my clients and myself need in order to turn our purposes into a business. 

Does this sound like you as an aspiring entrepreneur?

  • You think you’re not good enough/confident to do what you want to do

  • You need to learn more before you take action

  • You become attached the outcome of things

  • You think strategy > intuition

  • You’re stuck in the greed of “how’s”

Today's episode is a deep dive into 5 mindset shifts that will take you from wishing you could step into your purpose to being able to go all in to truly be who you are meant to be in this life, your highest self.

Where did I learn all of this stuff? I had my first business coaching client and it was a pivotal moment for me to understand that I loved doing it and I’m good at it. I’ve been resistant with dabbling in business coaching because of how I identify in the coaching realm. However, I’ve done so much inner work that I was able to incorporate feminine flow without succumbing to the grind culture.

Wherever you are at in your journey, I know these mindset shifts are going to be pivotal for you. Before jumping in, I wanted to make sure that you take what resonates and leave the rest. My advice is always from my own experience so really have a filter on yourself when you listen to content like this to make sure what you’re intaking is serving you and that you don’t get into this trap that everything you consume is the answer.

Mindset Shift #1: I’m not good enough/confident to do what I want to do

I hear this all the time from different types of coaches, healers, astrology readers, or anyone who is diving into the healing side of coaching. A lot of people tend to have imposter syndrome with this leading to conversations in their head sounding like, “Who am I to do this? I’m not good enough yet. I’m not confident enough yet.”

The mindset shift you need to make is: You gain confidence through taking action.

Look, I wasn’t a good enough fitness coach when I launched my first program. I decided to continue launching more programs so I eventually got better at it and good enough to feel confident in the work I am putting out. Just know that we all start somewhere and you’re not going to get better at whatever it is you’re trying to do until you start doing it. Self-confidence and self-esteem is its own confidence loop meaning the more you take action the more confident you’ll be and the more confident that you are the more you are able to take action. You can’t wait to feel confident otherwise you’d been waiting a long time.


Mindset Shift #2: I need to learn more before I do it / I need to sell/nurture my audience before I show up more

You need to take more imperfect action. Turning your purpose into a business or even just striving to reach any goal, requires you to take action. You can’t think your way to success. You can’t just manifest/hope things happen. As perfectionists and over-achievers, we need to take imperfect action and do more B+ work. It’s never going to be perfect so stop hiding behind your comfort zone and safety net. You don’t need to wait or see what other people are doing, you just need to take more action.

I learned about this through my experience with competing. If you don’t fail the first time, you’re taking too long to get the ball rolling with what you want to do and achieve. Through my experience with competing, I had to fail and get low rankings in order to see what I needed to work on in order to achieve a place on stage. For my third show, I was able to place second; and I would not have been able to do that if I didn’t take imperfect action.

Mindset Shift #3: You become attached to the outcome of things

This is something I have learned and healed for many years. Sometimes we get so attached in how we want things to be that we take forever instead of allowing things to just be. You can’t be so attached to what success means to you. If you want to be someone who works for themselves, understand that entrepreneurship is uncertain. This is especially scary for people who came from corporate because they are probably used to getting a paycheck every 2 weeks; and that’s not the case with being an entrepreneur. The more attached you are to the outcome the less you are able to feel discomfort. This becomes detrimental because you end up not taking action from trying to find things you are hoping to fix and be in control of. Entrepreneurship is all about uncertainty, get comfortable with not knowing what the outcome is and get comfortable releasing attachment to the outcome. Allow things to be. You can control your mindset and energy when you are working on launching your business, basically things you can take action on. What you can’t control is how many people sign up, how many people view your post, etc. Get comfortable with things not going your way and be consistent with being yourself.

I remember when I launched my first fitness program and was super pumped that five people signed up. But when I launched my second program only two people signed up and I even gave one seat to someone (making it one person who actually paid). I was so upset and devastated that I didn’t get ten sign ups but I quickly learned that uncertainty is the name of the game and I just need to be consistent with being the best and highest version of myself; I was able to trust in divine timing.


Mindset Shift #4: Strategy > Intuition

The mindset shift for this intuition is more important than strategy. I am a person who loves being told steps, what to do, and if you told me to do 1, 2, 3 I’d do it. However, even though I thrive on being told what to do, it’s not going to get me to excel and grow in business. There’s a million ways to make a million dollars, there is no one strategy that’s going to work for everyone. The best strategy comes from your intuition.

Learn how to intuitively decide what you want. Learn how to intuitively connect with yourself so that you know when an answer is aligned or not aligned. One of the rituals you need to have as a business owner is being able to unplug from the media and the “grind” that makes your business to create space and time to fully nourish and nurture the connection with yourself. If you’re constantly up in your head and never connect to your body and heart, you’re never going to be connected to your intuition.

Something to reflect on when wanting to tap into your intuition is: What’s exciting to me? What do I want to do? What am I lit up by? What sounds fun to me? This is the balance of feminine flow and masculine strategy. It is possible to have discernment of both. You are deserving of creating a business that connects to who you are


Mindset Shift #5: You’re stuck in the greed of “how’s”

You need to release the how’s! Does this sound like you?

  • How do I do this?

  • How do I do that?

  • What’s the first step?

  • How do I create content?

  • How do I get my first client?

  • How do I show what I’m doing?

The how will come to you once you decide what it is that you want. That decision is half the uphill battle. Once you fully decide who you want to be, the universe will start to shift and align towards what you desire because what you desire, desires you. When we get so hung up on the how, we don’t allow ourselves to decide and choose. It’s a vicious cycle of “Well, I can’t because I don’t know how.” No, decide what you want and be a plan A type of girl. Once you do decide, the “how” will reveal itself along the way.

Shift your focus to all of these mindset shifts and I know you’ll start to make moves within your personal development, business, and spiritual journey. If you’re not willing to be comfortable and not willing to lean into your fears and understand and face the uncertainty then entrepreneurship is not for you. There is a difference with turning your purpose into a business vs. having a purpose and a difference between being a coach and being a business owner; and it’s all in the mindset.
